A Swell Is Coming...
Will your church be ready?
As the world begins to return to a "new normal", people's desire for meaningful interactions will continue to grow. Will your church be ready for the fresh "swell" of enthusiasm for in person activities? CEF of Hawaii wants to help your church be prepared to effectively and enthusiastically share the love of Christ with the children and families in your community as restrictions continue to be lifted. Our vision is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve. One of the most successful ways CEF helps churches reach lost children in their communities with the Gospel is through our after school Bible clubs, called Good News Clubs. Listen to Pastor Paolo from the Mission North Shore, describe how partnering with CEF helped them reach children and families with the Gospel more effectively.
The Good News Club is just one of the many ways we help churches be more effective in reaching children in their community with the Gospel. Our mission is to inspire, train and equip students and adults from local churches to effectively share the Gospel with the children in their communities. So whether it's through partnering with local churches to launch after school Bible clubs on the campus of the public elementary school in their neighborhood, training children's ministry workers to more effectively share the Gospel every time they teach or helping teens develop the skills and passion for sharing the Gospel through our summer ministry program it's all with one goal in mind; reaching children with the Gospel and connecting them with a local church for discipleship.
Benjamin Franklin famously advised fire-threatened Philadelphians in 1736 that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Of course this is sage advice in any situation, but what is the cure for the struggles people face on a daily basis here in Hawaii? If you take a serious look around the islands of Hawaii, it doesn't take long to realize that even in paradise people struggle with the same things the rest of the world struggles with. On every island you will find problems related to substance abuse, poverty, housing inadequacies, prejudice, human trafficking and on and on.
The answer, as it always has been, can be found in God's word. Romans 10:13 reminds us that, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." The cure for the human condition, is of course salvation through Christ Jesus. As a result, the Gospel message has the power to bring hope to the hopeless, restore broken families, break the chains of addiction and so much more. But what if rather than waiting until people were broken, hurting or in pain to bring them the Gospel, we shared it with them while they were still young?
When a child accepts Christ as their Savior it won't prevent bad things from happening, but it will give them access to the peace that passes understanding (Phil 4:7) and hope that overflows from the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 15:13). This is why CEF of Hawaii believes so strongly that every child on every island should be able to hear the Gospel by the age of twelve. We believe that the power of God's Word will not only impact this generation but it can ignite a revival (2 Chron 7:14) that fundamentally reshapes the islands in ways we can't even begin to imagine. (1 Cor 2:9)
Short bit persuading people that training is still important and they should contact us to set something up today.
Short bit about CEF's curriculum, devo's, online videos etc.