Any student, from any church in Hawaii is invited to join us for our first spring retreat at the farm. During our retreat you will enjoy great times of discipleship, worship, fellowship and training. If you have never been to Level Up before, this is a great low commitment way to learn more about what we do each summer. Invite your friends and experience our spring retreat together! The cost is only $40 per student to attend our spring retreat.
Friday, Apr. 11th - Sunday, Apr. 13th
Arrive between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Leave between 2 pm - 3 p.m.
Who can participate?
Any Christian student from any church aged 12 years old and up may attend this retreat and training event. No prior Level Up or CEF experience is required.
What will we do?
During this weekend we will spend time in fellowship, playing games, eating, worshiping together and learning how to lead Keiki Bible Clubs. About half of this retreat will be focused on discipleship, where you will learn and grow in your faith. The other half will be equally divided between training, fellowship, worship and fun!
How much will it cost?
We are asking each student to pay
$40 to help offset the cost of food, lodging and materials for this retreat.
Do I have to commit to attending Level Up in June? Nope!
If you attend our spring retreat you will spend the weekend with a lot of students who have never done Level Up before but you will also get to hang out with just as many who have gone through the training for multiple years now. You will also meet our Level Up leaders and hopefully start to get excited about joining us on Molokia for the full training in June. But attending our spring retreat does NOT obligate you to commit to joining us on Molokai in June.
Our annual Level Up Hawaii summer missionary training program will be on Molokai once again, May 31st to June 12th. However, you do NOT have to commit to attending Level Up on Molokai in order to attend this retreat. Think of this retreat as a one of those Costco samplers. It's a chance to "try" out Level Up before you commit to "buying" into the full summer program.