Thank you for visiting the CEF of Hawaii at home GNC Family Resource Page. During this challenging time, our staff and after school Good News Club volunteers want you and your family to know we care about you and are praying for you. To fill the gap left by our GNC's, we wanted to put together some resources that might help you and your family have a Good News Club right in your
own home. Everything you and your family need to put on a GNC in your living room is included below.
Feel free to use these resources in whatever way you see fit. You could put together a schedule of your own, or you can use our suggested schedule and fill about an hour's worth of time with your family. You may also want to include your children as "leaders" in your at home club. Let them find scripture in the Bible and read it out loud, or let them help lead the family in the motions to the songs. No matter how you choose to incorporate your children, it will help deepen their enthusiasm for the lesson and help them retain the truths taught during your at home club.
Thank you in advance for allowing us to play a small part in helping you and your children maintain a sense of normalcy in this ever changing situation we find ourselves in right now.
Blessings and aloha for now!
Matt Walton
State Director
P.S. If you would like to be added to our email list to receive updates on future lessons, please scroll down to the bottom and complete the short form there.