Emily & leaders from the Ben Parker GNC launched online in November!
Emily & leaders from the Sunset Beach GNC taught children outdoors on the North Shore this fall as well.
The pandemic hasn't stopped the world from shopping for Christmas and it hasn't stopped CEF from sharing the Gospel here in Hawaii. When you give today, your support will make a difference in the lives of children right here in Hawaii.
Even in the midst of the pandemic, CEF has been able to find ways to reach children with the Gospel. On the left is a screen grab from our Ben Parker teams first online GNC a few weeks ago. They had five children participate and many more whose parents were excited about joining the next meeting.
Your support of CEF of Hawaii today will ensure that children across the state continue to have a chance to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel during the ongoing pandemic restrictions. Whether it's online or in person, the Gospel has the power to change lives and give hope in this difficult time.
Thank you again for your support and please "share" this on your timeline and encourage others to join you in supporting CEF of Hawaii on #givingtuesday2020