You are invited to this one of a kind joint fundraising event for CEF of Hawaii, Youth for Christ, Young Life and Fellowship of Christian Atheletes. Come and hear how God is working in each of these ministries and how God has challenged each us to start paddling together towards as one team, towards one goal. That goal is reaching every student, at every school with the Gospel here in Hawaii before they graduate high school.
This type of fundraising event will be a new experience for our CEF of Hawaii ohana, but we hope you will join us and bring others with you. Our keynote speaker is Steve Largent a world famous NFL athelete, congressman, speaker and most importantly a devout Christian. Steve is quoted as having said this about his NFL career, “My purpose in playing is to represent Christ, And my motivation is to be the very best I can be. That involves preparing myself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to be a great football player.”
For this event, we twenty seats at two tables that we are trying to fill with supporters of CEF of Hawaii. Each seat costs $100 per person if you register through our links on this page. If you are interested sponsoring addtional seats or a whole table, you can make those selections in the online registratio form as well. If you would like to sponsor a table, please contact Matt Walton at 321-1003.
What if I can not attend on December 6th?
We would of course love to have all of our CEF ohana join us, but if you are unable to make it for any reason, please consider making a donation using the links on this page. This is our final fundraising event of 2023, so every gift is important. If you give through the link on this page we will include your gift with our grand total for this event. All gifts are tax deductible.