Board Training Resources

Board Member Training Resources

CEF USA Board Training Program

From Mr. O’s humble beginnings we have grown into the world’s largest children’s ministry. Just as the biblical models point out, this work is too large for just one or a few. There must be a structured organization to work as a “fellowship” with common goals and purpose. As a result, each state is incorporated under the national charter and each local chapter is a committee of the state corporation. In this way, each office is supported by a higher office.

You are an important part of God’s work through Child Evangelism Fellowship. God has called different parts of His Body (the Church) together with various roles to accomplish various tasks. Each member needs to seriously consider and pray about his role as a board or committee member.

  • Is leadership on a board or committee a calling?
  • Am I where God has called me to be?
  • Am I doing what God has called me to do?
  • Is my heart in this? A soulful investment of the time, talent and treasure God has entrusted me with.
  • Do I have a teachable spirit that God may direct my path in this calling?
  • Am I willing to completely obey my calling in this collaborative work to accomplish His will that “not one of these little ones should perish”?

There are five sessions in this series.  The average length is 30 minutes.

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